Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Never too late...

I'm not one to make New Year's resolutions.  I know myself too well.  BUT, this is a new year and I'm ready to start fresh.  Here's my short list:
1.  Clean out every cabinet/closet in my house...a daunting task but I have all year to finish!
2.  Organize my craft room...keeping it that way will be another issue.
3.  Finish my UFO's.   That's the one that may do me in!
4.  Organize my picture folders.

Right now I'm working on a Zentangle design that somehow got set aside and forgotten.  Stay tuned for the finished piece...soon.


  1. don't you just hate UFO's... i do. I hate it even more when you don't have time to finish them. I do however LOVE this blog. Nice job...

  2. Fun...
    I like you goals for your studio.
    Zentangle design wonderful.
