Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Crafty Girls Club

Lindsay with a hand painted ornament, Cory with her ceramic ornaments and me with a mixed media canvas.
You know all those craft fairs that go on in the fall?  And how we always say we should be in one, selling our little works of art.  The only thing that gets in our way is time...we start too late.  

Well, here come my friend Lindsay Ostrom to the rescue.  She is starting the  Crafty Girls Club.  The idea is to motivate us to get an early start so we can be the one's selling instead of buying someone else's stuff.  .  When you join you commit to make  1 large project a month, 5 medium projects a month or 10 small projects a month. Then put them into a brown grocery bag and staple the bag shut until the fall. You will then have enough goodies to take to a craft fair or at least give as gifts.  There is no cost to join.  Just a commitment to create all year.  
Go to and get all the details.

No ideas...check out's full of great ideas.  Be's a time sucker, so much to see!  You'll get caught up in the creativity and lose track of time.  Set a timer so you still have time to make those lovely little items!

Good idea?...I think so.  I did 2 craft fairs last season.  They were small ones but I made enough to make me happy!

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